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Power Clean and Split Jerk 1RM

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Last week we talked a bit about why we establish a 1 RM and the standard numbers we should be shooting for across various lifts. Because the Clean & Jerk are separate components of those standards it’s difficult to say you need to be shooting for “x” number. The Clean & Jerk is really two lifts getting the weight from ground to overhead vs. the Snatch which is one floor to overhead movement. You get a break in the middle of the action to refocus and reset your grip, stance, breath, and landing. Your Power Clean and Split Jerk 1RM  number is going to be limited by one of two things–your 1 RM max on a Clean or your 1 RM max on the Jerk. Is it your technique that’s limiting you or your strength?  Are your shoulders stronger than your hips? Can you even fire your hips properly to get the maximum out of both of these components of the lift?  You have lots of time to work that out today in both the strength work, EMOM, and WOD. Use it wisely! if you really want to geek out on the split jerk check out this article.

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Friday’s WOD

Power Clean and Split Jerk 1RM- 12 Minutes to find a 1 RM

Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes perform 1 Power Clean and Split Jerk at 85% of your 1 RM. Have recent On Rampers work from Position 2 for both parts of program.

Run 400 Meters
5 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 Burpees
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Toes to Bar
5 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Run 400 Meters

Barbell Club

Cluster. 4×1 at 75% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk. Stay at the same weight for all sets

Box Squats. TOUCH AND GO. Descend at a measured pace and anticipate the box, touch down and explode back up. Start at 80% of 1 RM Back Squat. Stay at the same weight for all sets

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