Plan Now For Thanksgiving
It will be Business As Usual at Wine Country CrossFit through Wednesday of next week.
Thursday there will be one class at 9AM that is open to Boot Camp, TRX and CrossFitters alike. We call it our Turkey Day Chipper. Sign up here to reserve your spot.
Thursday there will be one class at 9AM that is open to Boot Camp, TRX and CrossFitters alike. We call it our Turkey Day Chipper. Sign up here to reserve your spot.
Take note that WCCF is a supporter of The Turkey Trot. Boot Camp and TRX coach extraordinaire Jackie Reynolds leads the warm up. So if we don’t see you in the gym for the Turkey Day Chipper we expect to see you on this five or 10K run!
Friday there will be NO 5.30AM Boot Camp and there will be NO 6AM CrossFit. The gym will open at 7AM for Boot Camp. The rest of the day will be the normal schedule you all know and love.
Be on the lookout for our Black Friday Special. We have exciting offers in store. Tell your friends and family who are curious about CrossFit and Boot Camp that NOWS the time. This special offer is just one week away.
2019 11 24