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Parking & Overhead Squats

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PLEEEZE do your part to help us keep the neighbors happy by NOT parking in front of the old gym, and NOT parking in front of TEM Machine shop across the street. Rich is the owner of TEM, and he has a good sense of humor as illustrated by the note he left on someone’s car last week:

‘If you’re on this street for CrossFit, it would be fantastic if you can park anywhere beside right IN Front of TEM Machine Shop. As much as I enjoy carrying heavy pieces of steel up and down the street it makes for a long day. Or, if you would like to carry steel around a machine shop instead of CrossFit, here’s my card.”


Let’s NOT test how far his humor goes, and let’s DO be considerate of our neighbors.




Wednesday’s WOD

Overhead Squats



5 rounds for time

400 meter run

15 overhead squats (95/65)

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