Paleo Potluck, Pulling & Bear Complex
Mark your calendar for Friday May 9th at 6PM for the Paleo Potluck!
We will have it this spring at the Napa General Store at the bottom of Main St. The veranda looking over the river is the perfect place for the Paleo Potluck, and we are so lucky to be hosted by proprietor Jim Brandt. Jim is a CrossFitter who changed his own life with Paleo and CrossFit, and we are delighted to meet on the deck behind his lovely restaurant.
What: Paleo Potluck
Where: Napa General Store, 540 Main St in the historic Hatt Building, on the Riverfront
When: Friday May 9, 2014
Time: 6PM
What to bring: Your favorite Paleo dish or drink! There is a grill there, and we will have animal protein su le brace!
Friday’s WOD
Pull-ups. Work kipping or butterfly. If folks are proficient at both of those then scale up to weighted.
Bear Complex
Complete 5 rounds:
Complete the following cycle 7 times each round:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Rack Jerk
Normally time is not a factor with the Bear Complex, but instead of going as heavy as possible we want to go as fast as possible. Weight should be scaled to allow for speed.
2014 05 01