Oly Seminar, Heal Those Hands, Fronts Squats & Burpees
The Olympic Lifting Seminar is on the horizon, and we want you there! You know if it’s for you if you are someone who wants to improve at their lifts. If you answer YES to that, then sign up by following this link: http://bit.ly/1iP9zfq
Are your hands ripped and tired after Angie and Fran? Rumor has it that Aquaphor is the magic salve that expedites the healing process. Thanks to Beth Cunningham of the 4.30PM class we have an abundance of samples. Help yourself so we can prepare for our next pulling extravaganza!
Wednesday’s WOD
5/5/5 Rest 2 minutes between sets. The first set of 5 should be on the heavy side. The 2nd on the heavier side, and the third on the hard side.
3/3/3 Front Squats with a 5 count pause at the bottom. They are also progressive in weight, but should be substantially lighter than the sets of 5 as we are now working on form, structure, STABILITY and power at the bottom. Start at 65% of 1RM. 60 second rest between sets.
Tabata Burpees
Cash Out:
10 Glute Ham Raises x3
2014 05 20