No Mercy and Meditation
Well, it’s Friday! I’m going to send you off to your weekend with a bang (see workout below)! For those of you doing the Whole Life Challenge, I hope you have been getting in your 7 daily habits, especially this week’s lifestyle assignment of doing 10 minutes of meditation. For those of you not joining us on the Challenge, you should think about adding this practice into your daily routine. You can fit in an hour workout, what’s 10 more minutes to set aside for yourself? There are tons of great guided meditation apps out there you can download for free–the one I’m using, Headspace, is a great one for those of you new to the whole idea of meditation and trying to fit it in. They are exactly 10 minutes, and the first 10 days are free. I know we are at the end of this week’s lifestyle challenge, but I encourage you to go beyond just checking the box and really make an effort to maintain this positive change for your overall well-being.
Physical Benefits of Meditation
With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more prana (energy). This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases.
On a physical level, meditation:
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks
- Decreases tension-related pain, such as, tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems
- Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior
- Improves the immune system
- Increases the energy level, as you gain an inner source of energy
Mental Benefits of Meditation
Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into a relaxed state that promotes healing. The mind becomes fresh, delicate and beautiful. With regular practice of meditation:
- Anxiety decreases
- Emotional stability improves
- Creativity increases
- Happiness increases
- Intuition develops
- Gain clarity and peace of mind
- Problems become smaller
- Meditation sharpens the mind by increasing focus and expands through relaxation
- A sharp mind without expansion causes tension, anger and frustration
- An expanded consciousness without sharpness can lead to lack of action/progress
- The balance of a sharp mind and an expanded consciousness brings perfection
Meditation makes you aware – that your inner attitude determines your happiness.
Friday’s WOD
Power Clean Practice
Get to 30% above working weight and prepare for WOD
15 Minute AMRAP
60 Double Unders
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
15 Power Cleans (135/95)
7 minute rest
12 Minute EMOM
10 Burbees
15 Box Jumps
5 Muscle ups. Sub Chest to Bar pullups
2015 09 24