Muscle Up Work, Hang Power Snatch. Holidays & Pilates
4th of July Schedule & Pilates
Next week we celebrate our independence from the Queen, and in honor of that our schedule will change.
-Thursday the 4th there will be a 9AM class taught by Rodrigo
-Friday the 5th will have ONLY 9AM and 10AM classes, taught by Emilie
-Finally, mark your calendar for Thursday at 4PM. Come to Pilates!
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Wednesday’s WOD
- Muscle-Up Work: 15 minutes to accomplish:
- If you have muscle-ups find: 2 sets of max reps muscle-ups (rest 60 seconds)
- If you nearly have muscle-ups find: 1 RM assisted muscle-up (band or jumping)
- If you do not have muscle-ups perform one set each of:
- Max effort* pull-ups for 15 reps
- Max effort transition (shirt-rip) for 15 reps
- Max effort dips (ring or static) for 15 reps
- *Coaches’ note: it should be VERY hard for the athletes to complete the 15 reps
- WOD: 3 rounds for time
- 10 Hang Power Snatch (65/85)
- 10 Toes to bar
- 10 Push-ups
2013 06 26