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More Shameless Self Promotion

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Some of you may have noticed that I have not been around the gym as much as in times past.  For the last four months, my business partner (and neighbor), and I have been working on a big project, a tear down and rebuild of a home here in Napa.  I am now proud to say that after 4 months of 7 day work weeks and 12+ hour days, we are finished!  This has been hands down the biggest construction project I have taken on and am excited to share what we have done with all of you!  This Tuesday (2/19) we will be hosting a get together at the house for our neighbors, family, and WCCF crew to come in and check out the place.  We will be there from 5:30-6:30 and would love to see you all.  Beer and wine will be served.

You can find us at 1132 Raymond Ave.

Please click the google maps link above for directions, and be sure to check out the “street view” while you are there to see the starting condition of the house. (it is 1 house to the left of the street view location, the one with 5 or so cars in the yard)

Hope to see everyone there!




Monday’s Benchmark WOD:



Squat cleans (135/95# Rx)
Ring dips

Mandatory 17min cutoff.  Pick weight and scaling appropriately so that the athlete completes in under 17mins.

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