Monday Meal Prep – London Broil
Monday Meal Prep – London Broil
This beautiful dish is a perfect protein to accompany a big salad and steamed veggies. London Broil tends to be on the tougher side, but if you let it soak in the marinade much of that toughness melts away. The Primal Palate people suggest the marinade sit with the meat for a few hours, but I like to leave it there for a few days!
I’m big on left-overs. I like to cook larger amounts of food, even though we are a small family, because I’m happy when the fridge is stocked with containers full of cooked food . With left-over London broil I cut up the cold meat and pack it in a container with greens for lunch on-the-go.
By the way, there is still time to join the Whole 30. We are doing it for the month of October, but you can join at any time. Search WCCF Whole 30 October on Facebook to join our private group. Change what you eat. Feel amazing. Get the support you need to succeed!
2017 10 08