Holiday Schedule Clarified & Max Effort Lower
I understand that my communication regarding the holiday class schedule has been less than crystal clear. I assure you this is the first time in my life that I have ever had trouble with communication, so allow me directly to correct this offense:
Holiday Schedule Changes:
-Friday December 23, NO 5PM class, but there will be the normal class schedule in the morning
-Saturday December 24 we offer the regular classes at 9 and 10AM
-Monday December 26, 9AM class is only class all day. All levels welcome. NO 6AM class, and NO evening classes
-Tuesday December 27 – Thursday December 29 we are open for business as usual
-Friday December 30, NO 5PM class, but our morning classes will be held
-Saturday December 31st we will have the regular 9 and 10AM classes
-Monday January 2, 2012, 9AM class is only class all day. All levels welcome. NO 6AM class, and NO evening classes
Yours for clarity in the New Year, Beth
Thursday’s WOD:
Back Squat – Find 5rm
Zurcher Squats 3 x 10 @ 55-60% of 5rm
As time allows:
Glute ham raises 3 x reps
Ab work of athletes choice 3 x reps
2011 12 21