The Open & Linear Progression Day
The Open Season is upon us, and we invite you to participate! The Open is a series of five WODS that are performed over a five week period, and it begins next Wednesday, March 6th. Each Wednesday the Wod is announced, and you have until Sunday to complete it. When you register to participate you are competing against thousands of people across the world who are doing it with you. It is a GREAT experience for CrossFitters of ALL levels, and we encourage all of you to join in the fun. By following the leader board you get to see where you are in the field of athletes, and it will cause you to pay close attention to your movements throughout the five weeks.
To learn more about The Open and to Sign Up click HERE.
We will program the Open Wods in our classes on Fridays during this five week period. In this way all of us will get to participate in the Open. But, if you want to COMPETE in The Open you must come into the gym in our designated Open hours to complete the Wod.
Gym Open Wod Hours:
Fridays 10-11AM
Fridays 6.30-7.30PM
Saturdays as announced
Please also note that as an Open competitor you may complete the Wod as many times as you like. Let’s say you do the Wod on Friday, but are dissatisfied with some aspect of your performance. You can redo the Wod on Saturday, and post your best time to the website.
Should you compete in The Open, please be aware that there will be a new level of scrutiny to each of your movements, and each of your reps, that is not typical in our classes. In class we look to you to count your reps, and we rely on your good faith to be honest about your performance. But in The Open there is a coach counting each rep, and the depth of each movement, and said coach will be strict! It is because of these firm guidelines that we will have special hours for Open competitors, and a coach on hand for this purpose.
Please read about The Open, and consider joining in the fun.
Friday’s WOD:
Linear Progression Day: See 1/18, 1/24, 1/29, 2/6, 2/14 or 2/20 for reference numbers
> If you were not here for last week’s workout, perform ascending sets of 5 to find a beginning weight for linear progression
> Low Bar Back squat 3×5 (add 5 to last week’s back squat)
> Press: 3×5 (add 2.5-5lbs to last week’s press)
> As time allows:
> 3 sets glute ham raises (or hamstring curls)
> alternated with ab work of your choice
2013 02 28