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Postponed Paleo Challenge, Sound of Music, Levers and DB Thrusters

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We have postponed the Paleo Challenge that was to have started this Thursday. We want to complete the building projects in the other room before we take on the Challenge. We expect to have the second room ready this week, and we will announce the start of the Challenge ASAP.



Our very own Taylor Bartolucci is starring in The Sound of Music that is playing now through April 21st at Napa Valley College. Sundays are sold out, and other shows are filling fast. If you haven’t seen Taylor in action I promise that you are in for a treat! She belongs on Broadway, but for some lucky reason we have her here in the Napa Valley.




Wednesday’s WOD:

Lever Progressions

2 Rounds:

DB Thrusters (50/25) for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Push Ups for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Ball Slams for 1 minute (50/25)
Rest 1 minute
Burpee Box Jumps for 1 minute (20)
Rest 1 minute

*Keep Score by Total Number of Reps Complete

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