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Let's Support Don Mohammed!

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Danasabe Mohammed support Don Mohammed

Support Don Mohammed

Don Mohammed is working hard to become a household name in the MMA world. He has overcome some bad luck with two surgeries last year, but he is making his comeback! The Napa Valley Register ran this article on him last Sunday, and essentially a local boy does good!

In our efforts to support Don Mohammed, this local boy who is more than just an athlete – he’s also a painter and musician – we are sharing his Go Fund Me Campaign titled Fighting For A Dream. The funds raised here go towards the outstanding medical expenses from last year’s surgeries. This is a grass-roots effort, and heĀ appreciates even a few dollars thrown his way. Meanwhile, Gabe and I thank you in advance for supporting Don!

support Don Mohammed


16.2 Was Fun!

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We had three heats of athletes attempt The Open WOD on Friday night. Some got stopped at four minutes, some at eight, and a few made it to 12 minutes and into the 4th round. Toes to Bar, Double Unders, and Cleans! Strategy and staying relaxed were key!


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We are so lucky to have fantastic athletes who show up every week to work hard and support one another. We can’t wait to see everyone for 16.3!



Monday’s WOD – EMOM & Overhead Squats


Overhead squat 5×3


2 Rounds of:
Min 1: 5 Snatches, 135/95 + 10 TTB
Min 2: 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 3: 5 Clean and Jerks, 135/95 + 10 TTB
Min 4: 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 5: 5 Thrusters, 135/95 + 10 TTB
Min 6: 15/12 Calorie Row



Tuesday’s WOD – Press & Helen


3×8 strict press


3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
1.5-pood kettlebell swings, 21 reps
12 pull-ups



Wednesday’s WOD – Muscle Ups Again…


Muscle up progression


12 dumbbell snatches 70/50
6 BS 225/145 from the rack



Thursday’s WOD – Down & Back Up Again


box jump 30/24
KB front rack lunge 53/35
wall balls 30/20


Friday’s WOD – TBD

This will be coach’s choice based on what the Open workout is as announced on Thursday evening.

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