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Just One Thing – Everyday

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When we are healthy, we are happier. All it takes to live a life you LOVE is to do one thing daily for your health.

When I was a kid my dad would always say “if you don’t have your health you don’t have anything.” I found him annoying, obnoxious and redundant!

But now that I’m in my 50’s and have had my share of health ups and downs, the truth of his words ring in my ears.

I happen to be in the health and fitness profession, which might make it easier than other jobs to stay active. But daily, even hourly, I’m faced with  choices that determine my health. I might move more than someone with a desk job, but the bad foods are just as accessible in the gym as they are in the break room at the office.

Regardless of your place of employment, we encourage you to make ONE choice a day for your health. For example, today I’m going to drink half my bodyweight in ounces of water. Or today I’m going to move my body. How about setting a timer on your phone so you stand up from your desk and move around every 45 minutes? Or you can even try setting a timer so you remember to drink water!

It’s the little things that add up. It’s the baby steps we take toward health that make a difference. Today, what is the one thing you can do for your health? Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it to feel better.