Jax Diner & Karen
Jax Diner is my new favorite breakfast and lunch eatery in Napa! Located at 1122 A First Street, they are on the little plaza just behind where Bistro Sabor used to be. They are catering to the local crowd, and I ate Paleo while watching the World Cup! Delicious food, casual service, and the environment is fun and easy going. Try it out!
Monday’s WOD
150 Wall Balls for time (20/14)
Compare to 7/25/11, 11/21/11, 4/30/12, 9/10/12, 1/14/2013, 6/3/13, 1/20/14
Cash Out:
8 Minute EMOM
Max Effort Strict Pull ups
Max Effort Hand Stand Push Ups
Have athletes track how many of each are done each minute. On Board write total of each movement.
2014 07 06