It’s Time To Pull
Do you envy those people who can just jump on the bar and whip off 10 or 15 kipping pull-ups? When the WOD calls for strict pull-ups they don’t have to get a band. Perhaps you have a kipping pull-up, but want to master the butterfly. Now’s the time!
August 23rd we are hosting the Pimp Your Pull-ups Clinic. In this one-hour clinic you will acquire the steps to properly warm your shoulders for pulling. You will learn mobility tools to loosen tight spots. You will get the recipe for building your pull-up strength and capacity.
This clinic is for anyone who wants to improve their pull-ups. Regardless of where you are in the process, you will get enormous benefit. Sign up NOW.
One year and a half ago we did this same clinic. On of the attendees, who could barely do one kipping pull up at the time, was linking eight toes to bar within two months. Sign up NOW.
Date: Friday, August 23
Time: 6.30-7.30PM
Cost: $20
Benefits: Strength. Confidence. Fun
Sign up HERE
2019 08 06