Inov8 Success, Bring a Bag, Snatch Practice
Wednesday afternoon was Inov8 day. The shoe reps and Athletic Feat set up shop with shoes to demo and shoes to purchase at a discount. They have a great new Oly lifting shoe that is super stable, and also comfortable enough to do wods with box jumps and double unders. They sold it on site for 15% off retail, which is better than you can get on the internet. Everyone who attended classes and tried on shoes that day was entered into a raffle, and at the end of the day they gave away a pair of shoes. The lucky winner was Theresa Johnston who is recently out of On-Ramp. Congrats to her! I loved the new styles and colors, and we will do it again next year.
One last thing about the Baby Shower Wod. It is still on Sunday, THIS WEEK, and everyone is still invited. There will still be victuals served post WOD. We ask you to please bring a back pack or some type of bag that can go over your shourlder with you to the gym. We will explain why soon enough!
Friday’s WOD
Prepare for Isabel!
Work Position 1 – For those just out of On Ramp
Work Position 2 – For those comfortable with Pos 1
Work Position 3 – For those who understand the movement and are ready
Build to a heavy set of 5 in each position.
Get folks comfortable hitting the positions when going from ground to overhead so that when Isabel hits next Monday people have a sense of what is going on.
EMOM 12 minutes
2 snatches
10 double unders
Cash Out:
15 GHD sit-ups x3
10 Glute Ham Raises x3
2014 04 10