Inov8 Demo Day, Kettlebells and Sandy's Birthday WOD
Mark your calendar for next Wednesday April 9 to come in the gym and try on all the new Inov8 shoes. The Inov8 rep and Dame from Athletic Feat will be here with all the new styles, including their new Oly lifting shoe. They will be on sale here with a 15% discount, so come on in and try em out!
Inov8 Demo Day starts at 3.45PM on Wednesday April 9, and will go until 6.30.
Kettlebell skill work including:
Turkish Get-up
Wind Mill
Go as heavy as possible with each doing sets of 5 on each side.
This is Sandy Scheik’s birthday week, and I’ll let you guess her age! She is the amazing white-haired lady that works out in the 4.30 class. Health and well being are a big focus in her life, and her tenacity in keeping moving is a motivation to all. Happy Birthday Sandy!
4 rounds for time:
100 Meter Row/Run
6 Wall Ball (20/14)
8 Kettlebell Swings (70/44)
6 Push ups
8 Slam Balls (50/30)
6 Pull-ups
8 Sit-ups
100 meter Row/Run
Cash Out:
10 KB snatches (53/35)
20 double unders
3 rounds
2014 04 01