I Love Avocado!
People who grow up in the middle of the country have no idea what an avocado is! But we live in CA, and we are blessed with avocados that grow within our very own state.
I love them with lemon on top. I love guacamole. Slices of avocado improve just about any sandwich. Some people even do avocado scrubs to improve their acne and moisturize their hair!
When I was a kid we used to put tooth picks in the pit and sprout it in a cup of water. My sprouted pit never did well in the ground in San Francisco, but it was always fun to play with.
When I discovered Paleo 13 years ago I learned that avocado is even good for you. That was a happy day as there were quite a few yummy things I had to give up in order to follow Paleo.
Recently I found this great article on avocado that has science behind it. After reading this I like avocado even more.
2019 01 28