BottleRock, Meat, Mobility, Hang Clean Push Jerk
BottleRock is just under two months away, and here’s your opportunity to both win tickets and support a great cause: Stone Bridge School (which educates many children in our Xfit community). They are raising money to fund unique educational opportunities for students. Gardening, baking, plays, knitting, music, movement, language, and working on the farm are incorporated into reading, writing and arithmetic, plus much more! BottleRock has generously donated two 3-day passes to Stone Bridge School. SBS will be giving these passes to someone at random who makes a donation. $20 = 1 chance to win and $50 = 3 chances to win! Drawing will be held on April 7, 2015. To enter the drawing AND support a great cause, Please donate online.
How many of us have been warned by well-meaning family and friends about eating too much red meat? Since I started this Paleo thing and have limited those starchy side dishes, I know I have. But now the cat is out of the bag, and Red Meat Is Not The Enemy! Peruse the the recent article from the New York Times here.
Dianna DiToro DPT of Mobility WOD put on a GREAT mini Mobility Seminar last night. Using the overhead squat as a barometer for shoulder, hip and ankle mobility, she presented great new tools for finding comfort in that bottom position. Everybody in the room got better! She treats people here every other Friday, and you can set that up by texting her directly at (928)257-7073.
Today’s classes have been small, and I wonder if that has anything to do with the running in the programming…Train hard. Clean up after yourself, and please don’t cherry pick!
Thursday’s WOD
Hang Clean Push Jerk – Find 1 RM
Lower weight to 75-85% of 1 RM and perform 3 reps of hang clean push jerk EMOM for 5 Minutes
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
5 Wall Walks
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Knees to Elbow
Cash Out: Shoulder Stretching
2015 04 01