Handstand Work & Met Con
If you made it to the gymnastics seminar two weekends ago you’ll be in great form for today’s work! Getting into an inverted position (anytime when you your head is below your heart) may be terrifying for some of you, there are lot of things going on when you turn your body upside down–you are affecting four major systems of the body when you do them: cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, and endocrine.¹. So don’t be be worried about being apprehensive, it’s totally normal and you should not let your fear take over–get into this today!
The major benefits of handstand work include:²
1. They’ll make your upper body super strong. In order to stay upside down for any length of time, you’ll need a massive amount of shoulder, arm, and upper back strength. In fact, it’s not uncommon for beginners to start shaking after just a few seconds of holding a handstand.
2. They’ll increase your balance.
3. They can boost your mood. The blood flow to your brain has an energizing and calming effect, especially when you’re feeling really stressed out.
4. They build core strength. Since staying upside down forces you to stabilize your muscles, you’re constantly working your abs, as well as other key muscle groups such as your hip flexors, hamstrings, inner thigh muscles, obliques and lower back while in a handstand. Training handstands every day will get you a well balanced, super strong core.
5. They help with bone health, circulation and breathing. The upside-down nature of a handstand can increase circulation to your upper body, while relieving pressure on your feet and legs and stretching your diaphragm at the same time, which in turn can increase blood flow to your lungs.
Tuesday’s WOD
Handstand Work
4 Rounds not for Time:
0:30 Chin to Toes HS Hold
0:30 HS Shoulder Taps
0:30 HS Straight Arm Hip Taps
1:00 Rest
4 Rounds
400 M Run
40 Double-Unders
Cash Out: Superset
–20 pull up challenge program
-Calf & Shoulder mobility
2015 04 20