Antibiotic Soaps, Toys for Tots, Gymnastics and Kettlebells
I’m not exactly a germ-a-phobe, and I’m nowhere near Howard Hughes with my hand washing regimen, but I like clean hands. In fact bathing is one of my favorite things, so when those foamy soaps came out I liked ’em, and I also thought that antibiotic soap was cool. But on closer inspection I have learned that antibiotic soaps are NOT cool, and I will go about replacing them in all the sinks that populate my world. To see just how bad antibiotic soaps might be check out this eye-opening article.
Reminder, we have our Xmas donation basket in the gym for Aldea, and we are looking for donations of new toys, books or games that bring families together. Aldea serves people from babies to age 20. We have through Monday Dec 17 to contribute.
Keep up the great work, and keep stretching out!
Thursday’s WOD:
Gymnastics work of coaches choice (non muscle up)
Complete 3 rounds for time:
10 KB Swings (70/44)
10 Squats with KB in rack position – right
One Arm Farmer Walk with KB in rack position to telephone pole- right
10 KB Swings – (70/44)
10 Squats with KB in rack position – left
One Arm Farmer Walk with KB in rack position back from telephone pole – left
*Rest 45 seconds between rounds
2012 12 12