Gluten-Free Granola, Front Squats & AMRAP
We sell this yummy Local Eden Granola that is gluten-free, and now there is a new flavor that is equally as yummy. Cashew Almond Apricot is the rocking new thing. Also gluten-free, try with coconut milk over it for an amazing snack. Each bag cost $14, but our special offer is $22 for a bag of each. That’s an $8 savings when you purchase two bags!
Thursday’s WOD
4 sets of 7/13 Front Squat & Back Squat at 94% of what you performed on Tuesday of this week. If you missed Tuesday then complete the same amount of work at 65% of your 1RM front squat. Err on the side of caution and round down on your numbers, not up! This is a lot of work.
AMRAP 8 minutes
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push Ups (No Snaking!)
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Cash Out: 10 Med Ball V-ups x 3
2014 06 18