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Frosting from the Can

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I just heard about this story in Popular Science over the weekend, and thought that it was quite apropos, especially for those of us participating in the Paleo Challenge! The gist of it is that our brains want sugar, even when we don’t like the flavor of the particular sugar we’re eating, because the neural pathways for the two parts are completely separate. The comparison they use is eating frosting from the can, even though you don’t actually want to. Read the full article here.

I know this doesn’t solve any of our problems, but it really helped me to understand that the mechanism of our body to get energy is so often on autopilot, and it’s so important for us to be mindful of what, when, how, where and why we’re eating the foods we eat. Share your thoughts about this new discovery in the comments section!



Tuesday’s WOD:

Clean – using 85% of your 1rm clean 6 sets of 2 (see 5/3 and 4/24)

AMRAP 12 Mins:
5 Power Cleans (185/125)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees

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