In 1996 North Carolina was hit be a devastating hurricane called Fran. She looked like this:
Have you every wondered why most hurricanes are named after women? Have you considered why they always seem to have those daunting and strong names, depicting power and authority, like Katrina, Sandy, etc. They are never called “fluffy bunny” or “pretty poppy.”
Tomorrow, when you get your WOD on, let us know what Fran means to you. We have been consistently working on the skills needed to be successful with Fran, and now you get to apply them. Be strategic. Plan it out. Attack. Go Big.
Monday’s WOD
Thrusters 95/65
Pull Ups
Compare to: 12/9/2013, 8/26/13, 5/13/13, 3/25/13, 12/3/12, 8/6/12, 5/7/12, 10/24/2011, 6/20/11
Cash-out: 1 mile run
2014 05 11