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Foundation Training and Hand-Stands!

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If you’ve been to any of my classes in the last week or so, you’ve probably experienced a new kind of warm-up. The technique is called Foundation Training, and it is an incredible tool that can help to make all of you stronger and better at CrossFit! Foundation Training is a series of exercises based on integrating the muscular chains of the body. The exercises begin with the Posterior Chain of Muscles to quickly stabilize your spine and core, and teach your body to move as nature intended. In addition to including Foundation Training in our warm-ups, I will also begin offering 30 minute sessions of this amazing technique (days and time TBD) that will be included in your membership.


I spent 4 days becoming a Student Foundation Trainer, and not only experienced some of the most potent exercises ever, but also experienced the restorative and corrective nature of the training. I’m so glad to have an opportunity to share the knowledge I’ve gained and look forward to helping all of you become stronger and healthier as a result of integrating this great technique into our programming!

For more information about Foundation Training, visit their website at



Wednesday’s WOD

10 Minutes to work on hand-stand drills:
30-60 Second Hollow-Position (Holds, Rocks, Suction-cups)
Chest-facing and Nose-Touching Wall Hand-stand Holds
Wall Walks (in and out, or side to side)

10 Minutes to work on hand-stand push-ups (at least 2″ deficit):
Find your method of choice (free-standing strict or kip, against wall strict or kip, knees or feet on box, negative push-ups)


5 Rounds
5 Hand-Stand Push-ups (4″ Deficit)
10 Deadlifts (115/85)
15 Double-Unders

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