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Finals Week Squat Therapy, WLC & New! Sweat Angels

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Squat Therapy–FINAL WEEK!

It’s Finals Week around Wine Country CrossFit. The week of November 9th has some good things in store. We wrap up Squat Therapy with our second and final week of focus on all things squat. Each day we include a mobility piece that improves your strength and stability down there at the bottom of the world. Do you sometimes hate it down there? Then please take these mobility nuggets that we’ve been sharing with you and apply them daily! Can’t stand working on that stuff? Consider creating a reward system for yourself that makes it oh so worthwhile…

finals week


Sweat Angels

finals week

Every time you check in on Facebook upon entering the gym you generate real world good. Last month every five check-ins garnered a free health screening for a woman. This month your check-in nurtures and educates young Burmese refugees. Not sure where Burma is or why there are refugees there? Here is a short history:

Like many Thai towns along the Thailand-Burma border, Mae Sot is a sanctuary for Burmese refugees in their flight from the upheaval of civil war in their own country. Tens of thousands of Karen and other Burmese minorities subsist on the fringes of the Thai economy and await a brighter future. For 20 years, the Mae Tao Clinic has provided life-saving care to Burma’s displaced population, especially its children.

There are 286,000 Burmese migrants living in the Tak province, and the overwhelming majority are under the age of 19. Parents often send their children to Thailand in effort to further their education and avoid the risks of unsafe child labor. Boarding houses give these children a stable environment in which to continue their education, either in Thai schools or migrant learning centers. However, there is not enough consistent donor support for the growing number of boarding houses, apart from Mae Tao Clinic’s Dry Food Programme (DFP), which provides the children with dry food rations, and hygiene and bedding supplies.

 The DFP provides the primary nourishment for 3,000 migrant students via rice, tin fish, oil, yellow beans, salt, and sweet powder. Without these essential food donations, many boarding houses would be unable to provide for the children.

We help feed these children with our check-ins, so make it happen!


WLC Challenge- FINAL WEEK!

Woo Hoo!!! The eight-week Whole Life Challenge comes to a close this week. We have seen some substantial change in body composition from participants. As this  final WLC week commences try to really dig in and hold off on rewarding yourself until the final day. It may be tempting to let yourself off the hook, but this is when the real work will take hold and you will make greater strides than you thought possible. On Friday, we will do the Whole Life Challenge Benchmark WOD to see the impact of paleo on performance and work capacity. To compare directly look back in your book to September 18. Set the intention to completely dominate the number of reps you achieved on that day. One more tidbit to check out:  this infographic really spells out what it takes to get the body you want, and it dovetails nicely with the experience you just had with the Whole Life Challenge no matter what level you chose to participate in.

finals week


Monday’s WOD


find your 5 rep max in 10 minutes

Squat Therapy

What hip mobility piece can you perform that influences the movements below?


For Time

20 Thrusters 135/95
20 Sumo Deadlift Hight Pulls 135/95
20 Jerks 135/95
20 Overhead Squats 135/95
20 Front Squats 135/95

Every Minute on the Minute complete 3 burpees. Start at 0:00 mark
Time cap: 20 min



Tuesday’s WOD

Rope Climb Skill Work

Squat Therapy

Even on days when we don’t squat!



AMRAP 6 min

2 Rope Climb
20 Wall Ball

Rest 2 Min


3 Round for Time

10 Ring Push ups
10 Kettlebell Swings 70/44
10 Russian Twist 70/44



Wednesday’s WOD

Pull from Floor, 2 count pause at Position 2, followed by Clean Pull

Build to AHAP. If you can’t hit Position 1 on the way up then work from Position 1.

Squat Therapy



4 rounds for time

5 Full Squat Cleans 155/115
10 Toes to Bar
Run 200



Thursday’s WOD

Split Jerks

Work the Landing Position

Go up in weight once you are confident getting low under the bar

Squat Therapy

Psoas work for better overhead position


AMRAP 12 Min

4 Push Jerk
8 Front Squats
12 Deadlift



Friday’s WOD

Back Squat

Find your 3 Rep Max for Today in 15 minutes

Squat Therapy

Final Day!



In 11 minutes:
Run 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, or 3/4 mile (choose a distance you can finish in 6 minutes or less)
In the time remaining, complete as much of the following list as you can:
30 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
30 Plank Ups
40 Lunges
40 Bicycles
40 Push Ups
50 Squat Jumps
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Mountain Climbers
100 Burpees
Your score is the total number of reps you complete.




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