Femme Royale, Abs of Steel, Turkish Get-up & Met Con
Curious about the Femme Royale event and what the movements might be? Look no further!
Movement Division Standards
If you are waiting to sign up because you aren’t sure which division to compete in, wait no longer!!
Here are some movements that will help you determine which division is right for you! If you can perform the movements in the list then you should be in that division. But don’t be scared of a challenge…if you are on the border between two divisions–go with the harder one. It’s supposed to be hard. It’s about overcoming the challenge!
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Ring Dips
Hand Stand Push Ups
Snatch 95#
Clean & Jerk 125#
OverHead Squat 95#
DeadLift #185
Toes To Bar
KettleBell Swing 53#
Box Jump // Step Up 30″
Pull Ups
Hand Stand Push Ups (with Ab mat)
Snatch 75#
Clean & Jerk 105#
OverHead Squat 75#
DeadLift #155
Toes To Bar
KettleBell Swing 44#
Box Jump // Step Up 24″
Assisted Pull Ups
Snatch 55#
Clean & Jerk 75#
OverHead Squat 105#
DeadLift #115
KettleBell Swing 35#
Box Jump // Step Up 20″
**These are an outline of what the athlete should be able to perform.
** Not all the movements will be used in the workouts. This is just to help you pick which division.
Thursday’s WOD
Turkish Get Up
Find 3RM on both sides
For those familiar with movement use bar or other odd object
For calories and reps:
2:00 ME Row for Calories
1:00 UB Plank Hold
1:00 Rest
2:00 ME KB Swings 24/16kg
1:00 UB Plank Hold
1:00 Rest
2:00 ME Double-Unders
1:00 UB Plank Hold
1:00 Rest
2:00 ME Wall Balls 20/14#
1:00 UB Plank Hold
1:00 Rest
*There is no penalty for breaking the plank holds. Except the eternal shame of knowing you’re a failure.
2015 08 26