Femme Royale, Abs of Steel & Jackie
October 17 we will host the All Womens competition Femme Royale. This is a partner gig, so get with your favorite workout besty and sign up now! Divisions are Fun, 50/50 and RX, which means there is something for everyone. Never done a competition like this and not sure what is involved? Just sign up now and commit to having a great time. Not a woman but want to participate? Sign up to VOLUNTEER in the office with Beth.
Our original intent was to do the Abs of Steel Program for 30 days. But we are loving it and seeing great benefit, so we will keep it going longer. We will do a benchmark retest on Monday the 17th, so get ready to dig deep and go fast! The Tabata Sit-ups on Friday are designed to help you find speed with the movement.
My 12-year-old daughter went to the east coast to visit cousins this summer, and all I get was this package of gum…
Thursday’s WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
5 dumbell or kettlebell windmills each side. AHAP
10 DB or KB Weighted Sit ups
For time:
1000 meter row
50 thrusters (45/35)
30 pull ups
2015 08 12