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Elizabeth and Barbell Etiquette

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As CrossFitters, you are all being exposed to some really cool new stuff that you wouldn’t see in a more typical gym setting – stuff like tires, rings, prowlers and boxes for jumping on. In fact, many of you (myself included) had not used olympic barbells before joining the WCCF family.

That being said, I think it’s time to also introduce you all to the importance of learning how to drop your barbells carefully and responsibly. I found this great article on the subject, courtesy of our own Joey Hoey’s The Fitness Coalition’s Blog, and thought it hit the nail on the head perfectly!

Click here to read the article.



Monday’s WOD



Squat cleans (135/95# Rx)
Ring dips

Mandatory 17min cutoff. Pick weight and scaling appropriately so that the athlete completes in under 17mins.

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