DU's & Met Con–Just Breathe
Do you find yourself after attempting double unders or finishing a set of double unders that you are totally gassed and you just can’t do another set unbroken or you need a second (or 10) to be able to gather yourself for the next movement in your set? It’s easy to forget to just breathe during this movement. Believe it or not, double unders can be a place for you to find rest in the middle of a met con.
Finding that “zen” place can be tricky though and it takes effort to keep in mind that you need to relax while doing double unders and not overthink things. Check out this article over at Barbell Shrugged on mindful breathing. Then take a look at this one from WodMedic on how to apply mindful breathing to your work during a met con. Also, here’s a nice video that has some good tips on how to achieve Nirvana in your double under practice:
[responsive_youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6IHZfqc4WI norel]
Wednesday’s WOD
Double Under Practice
If you have doubles work on triples
6 Rounds for time of
100 M Shuttle run (50mx2 or down and back in gym)
50 Double Unders
10 Thrusters (95/65)
10 Burpees over Bar
Rest 2 minutes between intervals
2015 10 27