Don Muhammed Wins, Barbell Club, Strength Day
Don killed it on Saturday night at Kezar in the Dragon House MMA fight. He won the fight in 44 seconds when his opponent tapped out on a choke hold. Go Don!!!! Congrats to you. To learn more about Don check out his Facebook page, and be sure to give him the nod when you see him training with Gabe on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Wednesdays at 6PM is Barbell Club, and this is open to any and all that want to have added focus on their barbell skills.
Wednesday’s WOD
Front Squat
3×5 at 75-80% of 1RM
Good Mornings
Find a working weight and maintain across all sets.
400m Farmer’s walk, Heavy DBs/KBs,
10 Air squats each time you rest
CashOut: Partner HSPU work
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