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Egos and Virtuosity, Deadlits and Slamballs

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Have you been coming in on Mondays to enjoy the Open WODS,  or are you one of those mysteriously absent but devoted CrossFitters? Maybe those Open WODS intrigue you, but you think they are just too hard to even tackle? Or maybe you know you could make it thru, but you might hurt yourself in the process cuz you are such a die hard, and you wouldn’t want to be outdone by the person next to you? Pray tell, which category do you fill?


Who I want you to be, and who all your coaches want you to be, is the person who is focused on their form, their technique, their virtuosity. We want you to be the boring adage and “listen to your body”. We want you to take the time you need to warm up. We DONT want you to be the person who comes in to win at the cost of form, technique and virtuosity. That means we have to check the EGO at the door. Yup, that’s right. Leave it OUTSIDE the gym, so you can walk out with your head high and come back the next day to train again, maybe even harder.


Do you see yourself in this scenario? I know that I do, and I’m often the biggest meat head in the room, which is why I can write this blog post.  I, Beth Rypins, need to check my ego at the door. I love big movements, and I don’t enjoy small rehab movements. But that is currently what I do everyday, while longing to get back to using the big muscle groups and training the body as a whole. I am on the injured list, and I happen to know that there are a few others out there as well. I also know that had each of us checked the egos at the door we would be able to train RIGHT now, instead of icing and resting and doing annoying rehab exercises.


So, arrive early to warm up, check in with your body, and check your ego at the door.



Tuesday’s WOD:

Deadlift:  Find 1rm

5 Rounds:
5 Deadlifts (275/185)
10 Slam Balls (50/25)

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