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Deadlifts, Handstand Push-Ups – Yep, it's "Diane!"

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Handstand Push-ups – There IS a right way and a wrong way!

So today is a day where we tend to see A LOT of attempts at Handstand Push-Ups, and A LOT of positioning that needs correction. We went over handstand push-ups last week in class, but for those of you who didn’t attend, or can’t remember ’cause you were talking (:)), there is a really great article that the good folks at CrossFit Invictus put together last Fall all about how to work your Kipping handstand push-ups (they’re is also a link to the article they did on strict HSPUs). I HIGHLY recommend that you look it over, watch the videos (dreamy Carl Paoli put these together, and they’re really great) and see what you can take into your WOD today. Check it out here!

Seriously, ’cause you DON’T want to look like this today, do you???



Monday’s Workout

Deadlifts (225/155)
Handstand Push Ups

Compare to: 1/3/11, 5/2/11, 9/2/11, 1/16/12, 6/25/12, 10/8/12, 2/11/13, 7/8/13, 10/14/13

*For Rx Athlete has the choice of No abmat and head to the floor OR using an Abmat with their hands on 25lb plates. Head must touch ground or Abmat every rep. Kipping allowed.

Cash-Out – Coaches’ Choice

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