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Deadlifts–more fun with Friends

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Deadlifts can be sneaky.  They look so innocent.  You bend over and you stand up.  The truth is, deadlifts are “the ultimate full-body workout, training just about every muscle group in the body: leg muscles, glutes, the entire back, core, and arm muscles.  Anything that’s involved in producing whole-body power is blasted by the deadlift, and it’s an integral part of any serious strength training program.”  It can be argued that it is the Powerlifter’s most important number in terms of defining their strength.  Are you worried that deadlifting is “bad” for your back? Well it isn’t. A proper deadlift effectively strengthens your entire back, including your erector spinae muscles, and doesn’t force anything unnatural in terms of range of motion.  Here’s an excellent article discussing what muscles you use and when you use them throughout the lift.deadlifts


Wednesday’s WOD

Deadlifts Partner Accessor Work–One athlete works while the other rests

2 Rounds each of:

20 Romanian Deads, 185/135 – with minimal knee bend descend to below knees, no lower

20 Partial Deads, 185/135 – pull from the floor to above the knees, no higher

20 Deads, 185/135

20 Sumo Deads, 185/135   Rest 90 seconds between rounds.


then AMRAP 7 min:

5 Deadlifts, 315/225

10 Lateral Barbell Burpees

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