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Yoga at CrossFit & Deadlifts

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Special Yoga Class to be Held on Saturday at 11AM on Saturday June 29th. Attend this Yoga Class and Build Flexibility, allowing for Greater Strength


This Yoga class is in support of two things that are near and dear to my heart. Lori McKenzie is a cancer survivor (many of us have been touched by that nasty disease) who had the unique opportunity to spend a week learning to whitewater kayak with First Descents. Started by peers of mine in the whitewater world, First Descents was created as an outdoor adventure therapy for cancer-fighting survivors to push through limitations and barriers presented to them.  Participants immerse themselves in whitewater kayaking, surfing, or rock climbing.  The mental, physical and emotional benefit in one week of these outdoor programs is amazing and life-changing.  Lori says “the carry-overs from that beautiful week still continue to flow into this world, and for that I am very grateful.”


Lori wants to give back and raise $ for First Descents, so that more people can get out and find the soaring benefit she experienced. We support her! Please come to her one hour Yoga Class at 11AM on June 29. We ask for a $10-20 donation. Please bring a mat.


Yours in both adventure and flexibility,




  • ============================================================
  • Wednesday
  • Weighted Good Mornings (45/35) -2 Sets of 10 reps. Use this as form practice for deadlift.
    • Deadlift – 15 Minutes to Find 1 RM
    • WOD: 4 Rounds
      • 7 Hang Power Cleans 135/95#
      • 30 Split Jumps (sub walking lunges) – 15 per side

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