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Level II Open Gym on Saturdays, Cyclist Gets Hooked on CrossFit, and Strength Day

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Saturday Level II Open Gym Programming Begins Tomorrow!

Beginning Tomorrow, Saturday November 2, Open Gym time (9am to Noon) will now include programming geared towards the Level II athlete, with an emphasis on gymnastics and olympic lifting. Come on in and get a great workout and work on your movements! Programming will be written up on the Whiteboard in the West Wing.

Open Gym is available for all levels of athlete to take advantage, however, there will not be a dedicated coach available, so athletes must be able to work safely without supervision.

We will also begin having Open Gym attendees check in and sign in with the Saturday morning coach, so that they know to keep an eye on you!

Member Spotlight

Today’s Member Spotlight is Christina Rivera. Christina has been with us for quite awhile, in fact, she was one of the women that I aspired to when I first started here! I was so impressed with how much of a bad-ass she was, and how amazing she looked! I knew if I just worked hard and stuck to it, I could get there too!

Christina came to CrossFit through a slightly circuitous route, (it’s not every day a cyclist gets hooked on CrossFit!) and it’s a great story! Let’s hear how Christina found her way to CrossFit and became the incredible CrossFit athlete she is today!



Age: 51 years old

Occupation: I own Azzurro Pizzeria and Norman Rose Tavern with my husband Michael.

Started CrossFit: I started CrossFit in March 2009

Why I Chose CrossFit: I chose CrossFit because I was intending to become a better cyclist by attending an evening class called CrossFit for cyclists once a week. I wanted to work on my core strength. I was a member of Synergy, but I rarely did any weight training. I attended a few A.M.classes and got hooked.

Other Hobbies: I love to travel, ski, kayak ride my bike and work in my yard.

Go-to WOD Song:  I do not really have a Go -to WOD song because I like all kinds of music.

Thank you Christina! Your consistent hard work and admirable work ethic inspire the rest of us to work hard, too!!



Friday’s Workout

Front Squats – Warm up to 85% of 1 RM (see 10/2)
Then perform 5 sets of 4 Reps at 85% of 1 RM.
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Push Press – Perform 3 Sets of Maximum Reps at 1 RM of Shoulder Press
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Anchored back extensions – 3 sets of 10-20 reps

Cash-Outs (as time allows):

1 minute Double-Under Test-Out (for reps)
1 minute Sit-up Test-Out (for reps)
1 minute Row Test-Out (for calories)

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