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CrossFit Open & Strength Day

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CrossFit is more than a cool thing you do a few-three times a week; It’s the Sport of Fitness, the culmination of which is The CrossFit Games in July of each year. Thousands of people across the globe participate in The Open – a series of five workouts over five weeks – and the top finishers then advance to The Regionals. Top finishers from Regionals advance to The CrossFit Games.


This is a call out to every Wine Country CrossFitter to register for The Open! ” But, what, you say, I mean, you know, I won’t make it to The Games, so why should I participate in this Open thing…..???” Because even just registering in The Open will have you give just a little bit more everytime you walk in the door. Because in The Open there is something for everyone, at all levels. CrossFit is scalable, and this is no different! Sign up here.


Last Saturday in JC’s classes our athletes created teams and completed their own “throwdown”. They cheered each other on, jc.wodand worked in groups to complete the WOD. The Open will be heaps of fun like that, a party in its own right, and I know all of you enjoy a good time!


More information is coming on how The Open will work, and just how easy it is to navigate those logistics. In the meantime think about what your life will be like to live and breath The Open for five weeks. We look forward to supporting you in this fun and engaging process.



Thursday’s WOD


High Bar Back Squat – Work up to 75-85% of your 1 RM*, then perform 5 sets of 5 reps at that weight – rest 1 minute between sets

Shoulder Press – Work up to 75-85% of your 1 RM*, then perform 5 sets of 5 reps at that weight – rest 1 minute between sets

*Weight should be enough that the last rep of 5 is difficult each time, and REALLY hard to complete for the last set. If you were here last week and were able to complete all 5 reps of all 5 sets with no difficulty, add 5-10# for your Back Squat, and 2.5-5# to your Shoulder Press. (See 1/8 for previous 1 RM)

GHD** Back Extensions – 3 Sets of 10 to 20 reps

**Sub anchored back extensions or super mans


Run 800 m*, then Row 800 m AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!!!

For 800 m Run, run from bottom of stairs to 400 m Run line and back TWICE

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