CrossFit Helps with……… and "Dirty Thirty" WOD
CrossFit helps you run faster, swim stronger, cycle longer and jump higher!
There are quite a few of you who are in the process of training for different events – whether they be mud runs, 5ks, triathlons or much longer runs. And I know a lot of you are training for these events outside of your “regularly scheduled program” here at WCCF. And that’s great! If you enjoy it, go for it!
However, bear in mind that the WODs you’re doing in CrossFit aren’t just making you better at CrossFit – they’re making you better at ANYTHING!!! I’ve competed in quite a few races since I started CrossFitting, and for the most part, my training regime did not include much beyond what I did at the box. And, when it all came down to it – that’s really all I needed!
Now again, that’s not to say that if you have never run a step in your life that you shouldn’t practice running. By all means, get out there! But from what I’ve seen of our members’ performance and my own, I’m convinced! CrossFit helps you run better!
Interested in learning more about CrossFit and endurance training? Check out the CrossFit Endurance Website and get an idea of Brian MacKenzie’s take on the whole thing!
Thursday’s WOD
Ring Work – 3 rounds of 2 minutes at each movement:
Ring Support Holds at full extension (work toe-touch if needed)
Front Lever Holds (or practice holding up-side-down position)
Ring Dips (work toe-touch or on parallettes or boxes if needed)
WOD: 5 Rounds of 30 Seconds Each
Hand-Release Push-ups
Wall Balls (20/14)
2013 09 25