Cork Screw and Jerk Work
Thursday’s WOD
Work the Jerk!
5 x 3 building up to a heavy set
Focus on landing foot position and finding stability under the bar
Pimp Your Pulls:
Cork Screw
Get on all fours, place your right hand behind your head and brace your core. Rotate your right shoulder and elbow up and away from your left arm, until it points to the ceiling, hold it there for a count of 3. That’s 1 rep. Do 20. Then switch arms.
This movement requires attention to detail. It is easy to turn on those upper traps, but we are looking for the lower and mid traps on this one, and let’s not forget about the romboids and serratus. As you do this movement reach the armpit toward your waist, and think about putting the shoulder blade in your back pocket. Pay attention! I guarantee that it will pay off.
AMRAP 12 minutes
5 push press (use heaviest Jerk weight)
5 pistols (alternating legs)
25 double unders
2015 09 09