Congratulations Century Clubbers!
Great work to everyone who came out for the century club last night. The throbbing in my head this morning tells me that it was a complete success! Here is a picture from before the first shot of beer/pull-up, all after photos will be withheld for future blackmail purpose!
If you had some bad rips on your hands, and I know a lot of you did, please check out my guide to caring for ripped hands.
It was really fun to see everyone in a social setting last night. Let’s do it again soon!
Monday’s Benchmark WOD:
CrossFit Total
Athletes have three consecutive attempts to complete their highest 1 rep attempt at the following three lifts:
Back Squat
*To count as Rx, athlete must squat below parallel (hip crease below top of knee) and Deadlift must be pulled conventional (no sumo)
Compare to:
P.S. JC totally won best costume!
2012 08 12