Coach’s Tip: Eyes On The Horizon
Coach’s Tip: Eyes On The Horizon
Have you noticed where your eyes are when you move? People trying to figure out where their feet are while they squat will look down. But if you keep your eyes on the horizon your chest stays up which helps those hips shoot back.
Those looking to improve their jump rope skills often look down to see just where that rope is in relation to their feet. But I guarantee you that you’ll be served by keeping those eyes on the horizon. Look forward and pick something at eye level upon which to keep your gaze.
Consider the Olympic Lifts. We are strongest when our neck and spine are in alignment. Keeping your eyes on the horizon helps maintain that proper posture and allows you to generate the greatest amount of power. Picking a spot on the horizon that is home to your eyes will take you to the next level.
Try it out, and see what a difference it makes in ALL your movements!
2017 08 23