Sunday, 2-4PM Celebrate with us! Cleans With a Little Rest
This Sunday April 22 we are celebrating the Coach of the Year with the Courage Center, and we invite you to join us.
On the agenda is food, live music, yummy drinks, celebration, a short wod, ponies for kids to ride out back, civic and official acknowledgement of the nominated coaches’ contribution to kids in our community. And all this is FREE!
The agenda is as follows:
2.00 Live Music
2.15 Wod
2.30 Food & music
3.15 Introduction of nominated coaches
3.30 Live Music
We invite you and all your friends to stop by and enjoy the festivities. In addition the Courage Center thanks you for your support!
Thursday’s WOD
Power Cleans: Find 1rm
Three rounds, each for time, of:
9 Clean & Jerks, 155/105 (Floor to overhead any way)
12 Lateral Burpees
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
*To perform a lateral burpee, start with the bar on your right side (or left) perform a burpee and jump with both feet at one time sideways over the bar.
2012 04 18