Hot Showers, Paleo Challenge, Cleans
It is a little known secret that we have a hot shower at Wine Country CrossFit. It is an even lessor known secret that we have a Blue Tooth Shower Head. What???!? Yup, that’s right. Bring your smart phone in the shower room and complete the following steps:
-Press and hold the little button on shower head until light is blue
-Turn on Blue Tooth on your smart phone, and tell it to find Moxie (the name of the shower)
-Play your favorite music, and enjoy a killer good time while being serenaded and showered with both tunes and running water.
The 2013 Paleo Challenge has officially begun! It will run 45 days, and there is still time for people to join in and get tremendous benefit from this way of eating. Please send your friends and family members in if they are looking for support to make dramatic lifestyle changes.
Friday’s WOD:
Clean: Find 1rm
Every Even Minute for 12 mins: 2 cleans (as heavy as possible)
Every Odd Minute for the same 12 mins: 7 burpees
2013 05 02