Pilates, Paleo & Cleans
Pilates Classes are every Thursday at 4.00PM, so come in and get a head start on the core strength and flexibility that comes from this beautiful, 30 minute class taught by Coach Tami Mostert.
Please remember that the Paleo Challenge will start in one week, on Wednesday May 1st at 7.30PM. Mark those calendars! Not sure what Paleo is, or if you should even dip your toe in the water? Watch this fun video to cement the deal:
Have you seen this wild looking roller in the gym?
It’s called the Stealth Align Roller by MuuvSport, and they report that this innovative product will help loosen tight, well, everything! I really like it, and find it super helpful on my eternally tight hips. Try it out when you come in, and for more info on this cool new product visit muuvsport.com.
Wednesday’s WOD:
Clean – Find 1rm
Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes perform:
2 Power cleans
10 Double unders
2013 04 23