Prove Your Fitness Competition & Chipper Time
Hey CrossFitters,
Now is the time to sign up for the Prove Your Fitness Competition at CrossFit Vacaville North on June 9th. There are lots of people coming together for friendly competition, and all level of athletes are welcome. The top two women and top two men from our gym will advance to the affiliate competition, which will be CrossFit style. It looks to be good clean fun, so sign up and let’s carpool over there. To sign up go to their website and register in their mind body online system. Once you are registered in their system you can sign up for the Prove Your Fitness Competition. In their literature it states that participants must be residents of Solano Co, but we are getting a pass because our new coach Joey Hoey lives in Solano Co.
One more thing. You might think an event like this is for “other folks”. But I have a little secret for you. You ARE the “other folks”. You are one of them because you show up and work hard and dig deep, learn new movements, toy with Paleo, and engage in the process of building strength and doing CrossFit. Therefore you are more than ready for the Prove Your Fitness Competition.
Go Wine Country CrossFit!
Thursday’s WOD:
Box Jump: Find max height
For time:
20 calorie Row
30 Wallball Shots, 20/14
20 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps, 24/20″ box
20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 70/44 pound kettlebell
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to overhead, 135/95 pounds
2012 05 23