Century Club, Challenges, and Back to the Girls
A big congratulations to all of the Century Club finishers and thank you to everyone who came to participate and spectate. I think it is safe to say a good time was had by all! Look forward to more social gatherings in the near future. Your Social Ambassador (Official Ambassador of Fun?) Jason Moore is on the job!
Don’t forget to get your name up on the board and keep working on your pull ups and stretching of the hamstrings for this month’s challenges. I’m noticing quite a disparity between the number of people working on their pull ups and the number of people working on stretching. I know you don’t want to stretch, neither do I, but it will put you on the path to being bulletproof, and give you the potential of bigger lifts. Who doesn’t want that?
With the closing of the 2013 CrossFit Games Open competition last week, we will be heading back to benchmark Mondays, starting with Grace. Along with that, we will be doing some strength testing over the next couple of week to see how your numbers have improved through the linear progression cycle that we have just finished.
Hope everyone is recovering from the Century Club well!
Monday’s Benchmark WOD:
For Time:
30 Clean and jerks (135/95)
Compare to
1/10/11, 5/2/11, 9/19/11, 1/23/12, 7/2/12, 10/29/12
2013 04 07