Century Club
What’s this you say?!? Are we cycling 100 miles? Are we squatting a 100 times? No, we are drinking and pulling up for 100 minutes! Are you in???
What: Century Club, one shot of beer and one pull-up on the minute for 100 minutes
Where: 852 Jackson St
When: Saturday August 11, 7.30PM
RSVP, beth@winecountrycrossfit.com
The clock will start precisely at 7.30, so please arrive by 7.15PM on Saturday night. Please plan for a designated driver, or which cab service you will use. Finally, please RSVP to beth@winecountrycrossfit.com
-Beth & Ryan
Wednesday’s WOD:
Back Squat – Find 1rm
After 1rm, reduce weight to 75% and complete a set of 20. NO RE-RACKING THE WEIGHT. If you need to rack the weight in the middle, you are finished.
If you have completed the set of 20 on 5/16/12, 6/29/12, 7/10/12, 7/18/12, 7/26/12, or 8/3/12 add 5lbs to the weight you have completed the set at.
As time allows: 3 alternating sets:
Ab Work of athlete’s choice
GHRs (sub hip extensions or supermans as needed)
2012 08 07
Ive never joined the mile high club so this will have to do until I’m traveling the globe in my G6.