This Paleo lifestyle works for me. I feel great most of the time. I have good energy. I've reduced my sugar intake by at least 30 pounds a year, and my waistline is moving in the right direction. But, I miss Cinnamon Rolls. You know that place in airports all…
Enjoy this day off in the middle of the week! Work hard. Play hard. Spend time with family and friends. Appreciate everything. Even the things that are hard to swallow. We are blessed; to be healthy, to be strong, to be HERE. Happy 4th of July.
We will have one class on July 4th at 9AM. This class is open to both CrossFitters and those who attend Boot Camp. We will perform the Freedom WOD which is long, arduous and outside! So please hydrate and wear your sunscreen. Scaled options are available for all, so…
Our very own South African Kobus Barnard has started a photo business. You know the guy. He's the one with the 475# deadlift. The one that makes it look like chump change. Yea. That guy. Still not sure who we reference? Watch this short video about him and his lovely…
Are you ready to improve your pull-ups? Then mark your calendar for July 19 at 5.30PM. This one hour clinic is a follow up to the Pimp Your Pull-up Clinic we hosted in April. In the previous clinic we taught you the steps to get your first strict pull-up. Attend…