Back to Benchmarks! And my new years resolustions
After a solid hiatus, it is time to dive back in to the benchmark WODs, and we’re coming out swinging. I want everyone to take a moment to give this workout some thought before you come into class and have an idea about what kind of scaling you think is appropriate for yourself. This is a huge, long, nasty, beatdown of a workout and I want you all to be able to function the day after it. To consider doing this workout Rx’d I would recommend that you should be able to complete at least 18-20 unbroken kipping pull ups.
I want all of you to think about this workout before you come in as a way to help me with one of my new years resolutions. This year I have a few professional goals (resolutions) that I would like to accomplish. The one that pertains to CrossFit is to make each and every one of you more self sufficient within the gym. When each person becomes more self sufficient and confident in the gym, everyone wins. So, what does that mean? Well, let’s take a look at today’s benchmark and a theoretical client “Fran”:
Let’s say that Fran typically does workouts using the green band for her pull ups. It is often hard for your coaches to keep in mind what band Fran (and all of the other members) are currently using. So it is extremely helpful and time saving if Fran has that information ready for us in providing proper scaling. This is not to say that she shouldn’t ask questions about scaling or weather the green band is right for her to use today, simply her having a context in her mind of about where she is with her pull ups will be an immense help to keeping class moving along at a respectable pace. The same can be applied to every other movement that we use in class. Knowing your front squat weight (or, bonus points, looking it up on youtube to refresh your memory the night before) ahead of time (not having to pull out your book during front squat warm up) will leave you feeling less rushed, allow you more time for PR setting, and allow the entire class more time for things like mobility and flexibility training.
Having an idea about what is going on in class and an idea of what your abilities are for any given movement will be a great step towards classes moving more smoothly, each athlete receiving more coaching, and each athlete progressing more quickly in any given movement due to the additional time your coaches will be able to spend coaching you.
I hope that everyone reads this in the spirit that it is intended, as motivation to make the gym a better place to train for all members and certainly not a reprimand.
P.S. In case you are wondering what my other resolutions are, my goals for the new year are to drink less (me and everyone else in the Napa Valley), bag a wild boar with my bow (thanks for the idea Mike Black from 6am), and sell the house that I am currently remodeling within 3 months.
Do you guys have resolutions? I want to hear them in the comments.
For time:
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats
To be completed as Rx the WOD must be completed top to bottom. All Pull Ups before push ups etc.
Compare to:
2013 01 06
Thanks Ryan for the “wake up call” we all need it now and then and it was just the right timing for me . My crossfit goal this year is to get to “benchmark Monday’s” . I will be there and do the best I can to be prepared. Crossfit and Paleo has certainly had a postive effect on my life . Thank You for your stellar coaching!